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Disinfection and strengthening of immunity of seeds...

Disinfection and strengthening the immunity of tomato seeds before sowing. Are they necessary?

Gardeners have different opinions on this matter. Some do not consider these procedures necessary and important, but for our plants, in our climate, they work well and their effects are tangible.

Disinfection :

The goal is to destroy possible harmful agents and organisms, from spores of a pathogenic fungus, to larvae of pests invisible to the naked eye on the surface or inside the seeds, which can cause various plant diseases and affect negatively growth and fruiting.

The goal is to destroy possible harmful agents and organisms, from spores of a pathogenic fungus, to larvae of pests invisible to the naked eye on the surface or inside the seeds, which can cause various plant diseases and affect negatively growth and fruiting.

Each year, by updating our collection, we test new varieties of tomatoes. We do not know how the seedlings were grown, and therefore we still carry out the seed disinfection procedure, either in a solution of potassium permanganate..(dark pink solution...a few crystals per glass of water) , or alcohol for fruits.

We place the seeds for 15 minutes in the prepared product, after which we rinse well with water.

  • It is important not to make a mistake in the concentration of the potassium permanganate solution and not to keep the seeds in it longer than the allotted time, as this can negatively affect the germination of tomatoes.

  • If you purchased coated tomato seeds, these seeds do not require additional preparation. They are already processed and covered with a special nutrient shell. These seeds should be sown dry so as not to wash off the protective film.

Strengthening immunity:

In recent years, weather conditions are often unpredictable, to increase the immunity and resistance of future plants we carry out the procedure of soaking the seeds in an ash solution, placing them in "hot - cold" stress temperatures. you grow tomatoes in a milder climate and with a longer growing season, perhaps this treatment is not necessary.

Honestly, we don't know how it works from a scientific point of view, but we see from experience that this seed treatment:

  • significantly increases the chances of obtaining strong and healthy seedlings.

  • the plants are more viable, without any problem for development at lower temperatures and climatic vagaries (all our tomatoes grow outdoors), while without this procedure with significant cold snaps they are depressed and practically cease to push.

  • less susceptibility to fungal and bacterial diseases.

  • the harvest is more abundant and of better quality.🍅🍅

Additionally, feeding wood ash is an excellent natural fertilizer that can enrich the seeds with lots of nutrients (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.) that helps avoid many problems.

To prepare the soak 1 - 1.5 tablespoons of wood ash (untreated) are added to 1 liter of hot water, mix well, leave to infuse for 2 days, then filter and use.

After the seeds are disinfected and washed with clean water, we soak them in a pre-prepared ash solution and put them in a warm place for about 6 - 8 hours.

Then afterwards, draining all the solution, we rinse with water, cover the container with the seeds with plastic and place it in the refrigerator or in a cool room for 8-10 hours. (For example: during the day - warm, at night - in the refrigerator). After this time, the seeds can be sown.

Sometimes you can find advice from experienced gardeners to carry out similar procedures with seeds for 3 or more days. We don't do it. Everyone chooses their method, depending on situations, desires or the availability of free time.

Currently you can find a lot of different information on methods of disinfecting seeds or increasing their immunity. Of course, all of these methods are optional, but recommended.

If you know where your seeds were purchased and trust the manufacturer, you can sow your seeds and avoid preparatory treatments.



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